You catch a bagon on that little space in meteor falls (it has tm02-dragon claw on it). there isn't a big chance of finding a bagon and neither is there a big chance of getting one with a dragonscale. They are at levels 25,30 and 35. they are hard to catch so bring about 15-30 ultra balls if you plan to catch a bunch of bagon. Only the level 35 ones know dragonbreath. If you want a bagon to learn dragon claw without using the TM, you have to raise the bagon until about level 50 (mine learned dragon claw at level 49). You should give it a everstone to prevent it from evolving. Or do what I did and give it a EXP. share and every time it wants to evolve press B. Bagon are rare Pokemon so catch a bunch of them. Also there is a guy in pacifidlog who will trade your bagon for his horsea. Make the horsea evolve into seadra and give the seadra the dragonscale and trade it to make it evolve into kingdra. I hope this info gives you more help than you need. :)
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There is no legitimate cheat to get the Dragonscale item in Pokemon Emerald. You would have to hack the game with an action replay.
The Dragonscale is an item in Pokemon Emerald version. There is a chance that certain Pokemon such a Horsea will be holding one when you catch it.
there is no mist stone in Pokemon emerald
you cant get reggiggas in Pokemon emerald
You cannot find an infernape in Pokemon emerald for that Pokemon you need Pokemon platinum, pearl or diamond.
There is no legitimate cheat to get the Dragonscale item in Pokemon Emerald. You would have to hack the game with an action replay.
The Dragonscale is an item in Pokemon Emerald. To get one, you have to catch a wild Horsea, which has a 5 percent chance to be holding one.
The Dragonscale is an item in Pokemon Emerald version. There is a chance that certain Pokemon such a Horsea will be holding one when you catch it.
find it then ask me
The only way i know is to catch a bagon in metor falls there is a 1/10 chance it will have a dragon scale
If Seadra is holding a dragonscale and you trade it. It will evolve into a Kingdra.
try to catch horsea this Pokemon hold a dragonscale sometime but you only have 5-10% I hope it help you^^
A wild Bagon has 5% chance of holding a Dragon Scale.
You trade seadra holding an item called dragonscale you can get dragonscale in Ruby Sapphire and Emerald
where can i find groudan in Pokemon emerald
Get a Pokémon that knows trick, and go to Meteor Falls, find the little room with nothing else but water and an item, there will be bagon there. It will hold a Dragon Scale about 85 or 90% of the time. then use trick on it with a held item
you can only find it on a Pokemon and its a 5% chance of finding it SO here is a list of Pokemon (in black) who you can find it on: Horsea Seadra Dratini Dragonair Dragonite Kindra Hope this helped!