The realm list file is called and is located in the <wowfolder>\data\enus\ folder. Be careful when editing this file as it will mess you up if you make a mistake with it. It is advisable to create a backup copy first.
To install and play a wotlk server all you need is WoW + TBC + WotLK installed Find the server you wanna play and patch to their version Go to your WoW folder and find your realmlist in /data/enUS (file named Replace the blizzard realm login to the IP of the realm you wanna play (you can get that from the server's page) Here's a link to good private server with a detailed guide:
WOW, more fully known as World of Warcraft, characters are many and varied. Images of these interesting WOW characters can be found on websites such as Google Images.
No, but i wish it did.
you people have to mind your own business. WOW i am improving this answer because this guy is a jerk I am trying to find out how to too sorry.
He doesn't play WoW, that was just for the purpose of a commercial
Open up realmlist Set Realmlist save, good to go
It differs depending on which continent you are playing on. For instance, In Europe the realmlist would be: "" And in US: ""
You need to open up your realmlist in your world of warcraft folder and replace all the information to "set realmlist" save it and then restart wow.
The realmlist is a text document in the game folder than contains the information necessary for the game to contact the servers.
Go to their forums. (Which is currently down.)
To find the realmlist go to the \Data\enUS directory in your world of warcraft folder and click on the file. That is where the realmlist is at, although modifying this without knowing what you are doing can be bad. There really is no reason to touch this file without being told so by a Blizzard tech support person.
Edit your file to be setrealmlist <whatever the realmlist is> Can't remember the Eternion WoW realmlist off by heart sorry. Look on the website - they tell you.
Edit your file to be setrealmlist <whatever the realmlist is> Can't remember the Eternion WoW realmlist off by heart sorry. Look on the website - they tell you.
go to your WoW folder, then Data/enGB (OR enUS) then open the file "" in notepad.
They are in your WoW folder, in the Interface section/data.