Um I think at a gear shop
ok u can but its hard to find i got one but it crashed on cutscenes but its awsome so yeah im still ooking for other hacks good luck
While I'm pretty low on memory, you need to find it within a mission stage.
you can it find by :pgm
Go on google and type in sonic spritesit will then say under sonic sprites the mysticalforest=)well if you go to the you can find sprites for just about any sonic character you can think of
Um I think at a gear shop
It's SADX Memory Editor and you can find it at Sonic roms
There is no Sonic Heroes 2
You can find 1 Mario or Sonic level editor game (but not free) in the following Level Editor for a Sonic Level Editor.I don't remember the other one but you can use Mediatonic.comBut the real answer is I DON'T KNOW!!
To get sonic heroes for free try searching some ROM sites that provide gamecube or wii roms, you will find it from there hope fully
yes, but i don't know where to download it
A good place to go would be or find a youtube hack.
In [] I am trying to make it work In [] I am trying to make it work
try Limewire or Frostwire or you could try sonicfangameshq they have sonic heroes shadow the hedgehog sonic adventure and other sound effects their
Amy is a sonic the hedgehog character and she is sonic's ''boy friend'' and Amy is pink,girly and has a hell of a hammer!you can find her in games like Sonic adventure DX , Sonic adventure 2 battle , Sonic CD , Sonic the fighters , Sonic R , sonic heroes and more! any ways that's who Amy is!
Find another memory editor that does the same thing.
Well there's two options 1. go to you'll need some stuff first to play or 2.use debug in the sonic games