You can find a Sentret in the grass above Sandgem using the poke radar. It's a 5% chance it will be Sentret.
AnswerIn Pokemon Pearl, Sentret can be found on Route 202. However, you must have first obtained the National Pokedex and use the Poke Radar in the grass to find this Pokemon.
sentret evolves at level 20 in Pokemon heartgold
Furret is impossible to get on platinum unless you evolve a sentret. And sentrets can only be found via poke-radar at route 202.
At the beginning of the game you can get a sentret and evolve it into Furret.
Sentret evolves into Furret at level 15.
Sentret is found near a town farther from Snowpoint City.
sentret and furret.
Sentret is a Normal type pokemon.
evolve sentret(lv 15) in every Pokemon
No it can't because when you started the game did you find a sentret? Well Sentret is the evolvtion form of Furret.
Yes, Sentret can evolve in Pokémon Colosseum.
buy the Pokemon platinum book
near the canal ruins or at dolce island
The 151st Pokemon is Mew and is unobtainable in Pokemon Platinum.
Sentret is #161 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
no you can't find a torchic egg in Pokemon platinum