First you need a Pokemon that knows surf. Then surf all the way up from Rusboro City to an island, not the one where battle girl is located.
there is no mist stone in Pokemon emerald
you cant get reggiggas in Pokemon emerald
You can only get it from breeding it from Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff
in safari zone area:meadow in grass
You have to breed a (female) Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff.
It will evolve when you use a moon stone on it.
In Emerald, the only Pokemon that evolve with a Moon Stone are Jigglypuff, and Skitty. Skitty and Jigglypuff both are normal-type Pokemon. Skitty can be found in Route 116, east of Rustoboro City, and they are very hard to find. Jigglypuff can be found in Route 155, north of Rustoboro City. Jigglypuff evolves into Wigglytuff, anf Skitty evolves into Delcatty.
Nidorino, Nidorina, Skitty, Jigglypuff, Clefairy.
jigglypuff in Pokemon firered.mont moon and near mount moon
Route 115
You can find it on Route 3, about 10% of the time.
where can i find groudan in Pokemon emerald
Actually, quite a few. (It's called FRIENDSHIP, btw) 1. Golbat evolves to Crobat 2. Pichu to Pikachu (breed) 3. Iglybuff to Jigglypuff (breed) These are for Pokemon YOU CAN CATCH in Emerald.
there is no mist stone in Pokemon emerald
you cant get reggiggas in Pokemon emerald
You can find Jigglypuff on Route 14 in the grass.