you can't download levels
you can however download characters which can change levels depending on the character...
just download win rar and extract the caricter to icy tower.
It is safe for your computer if you download it from this website: Make sure you search 'Icy Tower' in the Search Bar. Hope this helps.
you cant anymore they blocked every site
no one really knows how many levels there are but i got to 973 There are 10 levels (ice, icy, wood, blue, bubblegum, vines etc.) the last one is rainbow.
just download win rar and extract the caricter to icy tower.
go to icy then go to download then theres a whole bunch
Icy Tower is in the Mac Ap Store ;) Hope I helped :D
It is safe for your computer if you download it from this website: Make sure you search 'Icy Tower' in the Search Bar. Hope this helps.
There are a few places where one could download the computer game Icy Tower at the website that the developer who made it. One could also find a download of this game a Cnet.
Bhai search mar google mai [ Character for Icy tower 1.4 download] Its easy try it ur self..!
you cant anymore they blocked every site
no one really knows how many levels there are but i got to 973 There are 10 levels (ice, icy, wood, blue, bubblegum, vines etc.) the last one is rainbow.
You can download to icy towers but the computer is going to ask you do you want to over write this icy tower if you do all data will be erased so if you want to loose the data you had first than you can but if you dont than you cant
Icy Tower happened in 2001.