You can download imacros and program one here:
You can get a free mobster bot here:
note: if you use a bot, be sure to turn the settings on low or 'human-like' to make it as undetectable as possible.
Chat with our AI personalities
ran online 2013 respawn area of brute mauler
Jhayric Durupan
you can use virtual machine like VirtualBox or VMware
di ko rin makita e
We, The Ran Decoder Team(RDT) is composed of Ex-Programmers of Ran Online Philippines. We have came up to the idea of developing cheats to terrorize Ran Online Philippines and defeat the early Gold Buggers! Email this to Please CHECK CAREFULLY your account's data before sending this message. Replace the insides of Braces [] with your data. See examples below. <object classid=[ManaBreaker123]/> <param charname"[_xarmanx_]" value="sameDomain" /> <param charlevel="[197]" mode value="infinite" /> <param charexp="200x" visible = true <param charclass="[Swordsman]> <param charpass="[mahistico]" secure/> <embed srcrname="RANmenu" /> </object>