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New channels can be downloaded from the Wii shop. Though most channels are free there are some that require you to buy Nintendo points to obtain.

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Q: Where can you download Wii channels for a Wii?
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What do you have to do to get Internet on the Wii?

If you go into Wii Shop, and select Channels, there will be a list of free wii channels. One of these channels is an Internet channel. You can download this and go on the internet. Some flash programs may not work, but most will.

How can you download channels on wii without paying?

There is a section on the wii shop channel, called 'wii channels' here there is a list of free wii channels, but has one worth 500 points, where you can acces the internet and go on websites. Now the wii internet channel is free!I am writing this from it now!

What games give you a new Wii channel?

Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii give you the option to download their respective channels.

What can you download on your wii?

A lot. New Channels, Virtualk Console Games, Wiiware and more.

How do you download Naruto 2 sage mode to the sd card?

Visit data then download it to the sd card channels on wii chanels

What is a wad manager?

A wad manager is an application for the homebrew channel. It allows you to download wads (wii channels) without the internet or wii shop channel.

Is the wii mini worth it?

no,there is no channels you can download,you cannot insert a SD card,and there is no internet(you can't play online!).

Can you surf the internet on your Wii?

Yup. You first have to hook your Wii up to Wi-fi, and then you can go to the Wii Shop channel and download some free channels, including the internet channel where you can surf the web.

What is a Wii chanel on Wii?

A Wii channel is like an Application on a phone or a Program on a computer. Each Wii channel does a different thing and they are each downloaded from the Wii Shop Channel that comes in the Wii. You must connect to the Internet before you can download any new Channels, but most of them are free of charge. The channels that come free of charge on the Wii are: Disk Channel (Plays a Wii or Gamecube game disk), Mii Channel (Allows you to create your own Wii virtual avatar and tons of other avatars called Miis.), Wii Shop Channel (Download Virtual Console games, WiiWare, use secret channel codes and download free channels[requires internet connection]), Wii Forecast channel (Get the free forecast for your area anytime![requires internet connection]) and the Wii News Channel (Read the latest news on your Wii [requires internet connection]). There are more channels to discover from the Wii Shop Channel via the Internet, but some of the Channels (such as the WiiSpeak channel) require you to buy the software and then enter a unique code to receive a channel that comes free with the software. Hope this helps!

How do you get new chanels on the Wii menu?

First of all, do you have wireless internet? If you don't you're going to have to buy a cord to use for the wii to get internet. If you do, you are all set. Go to the wii menu and go to the wii shop channel. Click on it and click start. Then click on start shopping. Then to get the free channels click on wii channels. The free channels will say 0 wii points.Even the internet channel is free now.Then click the channel you want and click download. That's it! Have fun!

Are mod chips good?

NO THEY ARE NOT! some people may think they are good, but i think it is not. You can download games with a mod chip, but once you add the mod chip in your wii, you can never get rid of it. And with a mod chip, you cannot download any channels on your WII ( hopefully you know what channels are in your WII) And plus with a mod chip, you cannot download some particular games, such as brawl, etc. THEY SUCK! SO please make a wise descision before you add it.

How does one make Nintendo Wii channels?

You cannot make Wii Channels because it's impossible. The only people that can make Wii Channels are the workers at the Nintendo companies.