iki piye carane download
If you have torrent installed it on your system, you can download it from torrent......oh!!!you can also download megaman x8 form it.....its super cooooool You can also download it from the following link: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=9761999a4384344c4012e8015643d9c83dbc722a4c1d01e7
You can download it on the website that started the fan game. Petersjostrand.com is the site for the game.
by finishing the game with zero and have all the max metals
it was a download event
I do not think so
my megaman x 5 my very game
ask ciel about cyber elfs twice
its actually the reverse. In the Megaman X series zero can either be sealed away into a capsule or the series continues as normal. The capsule ending signals the beginning of the megaman Zero series.
you have to buy the game
zero faced x in megaman x2 if u didn't collect the zero parts and in megaman x5
well megaman is tough and has his abilities. but zero is stronger and has more abilities.so ZERO is way better..
is the black zero in megaman x 7 please tell me
u can unlock nightmare zero to megaman x6 in?
first go to megaman zero 3 and defeat omega and save in level select
To get Black Zero on the game Megaman Zero for the Game Boy Advance, you must play the game on hard mode.
Search "Megaman X SNES ROM download" or if you are looking for x2,x3,x4 etc search that but put the system and change the number.