You can download BatchDPG v1.60 (latest version i think) from it includes a detailed description too recomended
No you have to download it.
You can download it from
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You need moonshell , but i think that wont work on the offical acekard 2i so you need the fake firmware AKAIO , search it on google . Than you need moonshell and a DPG convertor , i reccoremend to download a mpg convertor and batchDPG , first convert the .AVI to mpg or mpeg , than convert it with batchDPG to DPG , all done !
There are programs such as BatchDPG that can convert common video formats to DPG.
There are a few tools you need. Moonshell Homebrew app to play the video from your Acekard, it will be in .nds format, might have to unzip or unrar it first. A video conversion app like BatchDPG to convert just about any video to .dpg format. I think you can take care of getting videos to convert on your own :)
You don't download it, you download off it what you have to do is download utorrent and then you can download off mininova.
i want to download i want to download i want to download
You can download it from iTunes or download it via torrents.
Download is a noun (a download) and a verb (to download).
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You need to go to then you can download it by clicking on "Download Free!". Then it will download.
One can download the Download Manager by going to the Internet Download Manager. You may register for a 30 trial version. IDM will download files in queue.
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No you have to download it.