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Q: Where can you catch vulpix in Pokemon black?
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Can you catch vulpix in Pokemon black?

yes :)

Where do you catch vulpix in Pokemon Platinum?

vulpix is not in Pokemon platinum version.

Where is Vulpix in Pokemon HeartGold Pokemon?

You can only catch Vulpix in SoulSilver, not in HeartGold. You can catch it on route 36 and route 37.

Can you catch a vulpix in Pokemon Yellow?

Yes, you can get a Vulpix in Yellow, but not actually catch it. You can only get it from the Celadon Casino (1000 coins).

Where can you catch a vulpix on Pokemon Platinum?

You can't you would have to catch one in Pokemon Heartgold or Pokemon Soulsilver and trade it to Platnium

Can you get vulpix in platinum?

I'm not sure if you can catch Vulpix in Platinum but I do know that you can migrate it from either Pokemon Sapphire or Emerald, and some sources say you can even get Vulpix from Pokemon Leafgreen. I hope this helped.

How do you catch vulpix in pokemon red?

Get Leaf Green, or just catch a growlithe because Arcinine is by far the superior Pokemon.

What floor in Pokemon mansion can you catch a vulpix in fire red?

on the roof

Can you catch vulpix in Pokemon elmerald?

Yes, I'm pretty sure you can get Vulpix around Mt. Pyre in the base area.

Where do you find a vulpix in Pokemon black?

Abundant Shrine. =)

How do you catch ninetails in Pokemon platinum?

You don't catch it. You have to evolve Vulpix with a Fire Stone. ... ... ... Or that's what I heard.

What Pokemon evolves with the fire stone in pokemon black?

Vulpix, Growlithe, and Eevee.