you can find it on routes 203 and 204
but you have to have the pokeradar which you get after you beat the elite four
Route 102 on Pokemon Sapphire.
Ralts can only be obtained on Pokemon Pearl by using the PokeRadar on Routes 203 & 204-South. Ralts only has an 11% appearance rate in these areas so good luck!
Route 34 when on the radio they say that there is a large number of ralts in that area
On Route 203 or 204 using the poke radar .
put two ralts or the evolved forms of ralts in the Pokemon daycare and if they get along just run around for awhile until your poketech daycare app says you have an egg then go get it from the daycare and it will have a ralts in it
You can catch Ralts south of petalburg city. Ralts is a great Pokemon trust me and if you have diamond/pearl get an extra male ralts and evolve it into kirlia. Give the male kirlia to your diamond/pearl and use a dawn stone on it and it will evolve into Gallade
catch ralts and train him to an kirlia and give him an dawn stone(Kirlia must be an boy)
Ralts can be found on Routes 203 and 204 with the PokeRadar.
Ralts can be found by using the PokeRadar on Route 203.
you catch ralts at route 203 and 204 and use a poke radar
listen to pokemon talk. wait for an outbreak and go catch it.
abra and ralts are two of them
Route 102 on Pokemon Sapphire.
You have to go to jubilife city go to the patches of grass use your poke rader . You wont get ralts right away . you need patience to catch a ralts . you can only catch ralts until you get the national dex
Level 20.
Level 20
Ralts can only be obtained on Pokemon Pearl by using the PokeRadar on Routes 203 & 204-South. Ralts only has an 11% appearance rate in these areas so good luck!