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Trade dratini from firered or leafgreen to ruby.
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You can catch Dratini in the Dragon's Den by surfing or fishing in the water. Additionally you can fish in Route 45 Keep in mind the encounter rate for Dratini is more uncommon than that of say, Magikarp.
In Pokemon Crystal you can find Dratini in Dragon's Den and Route 45. To find and catch Dratini you will need to use the Good Rod or Super Rod.
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You can't. You have to catch a dratini and involve it. You can find dratini at Brock's place and the rooms
Trade dratini from firered or leafgreen to ruby.
You don't have to catch one to obtain a Dratini, but a little while after you earned the rising badge and go to the Dragon's Den, you can get a Dratini if you leave a empty slot in your party.
Unfortunately u cannot catch a dratini in sapphire version.. The only way to get a dratini is by trading it from any other version
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Slot Machine
You can catch Dratini in the Dragon's Den by surfing or fishing in the water. Additionally you can fish in Route 45 Keep in mind the encounter rate for Dratini is more uncommon than that of say, Magikarp.
Catch a dratini in the Dragon den or by the Casino thing in Goldenrod
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In johto!
in mt. coronet ofcourse hehe!