Migrate from FireRed. It's easier to get Paras in THAT game.
Well, you either catch it, or use a Pokemon that knows thief without having it holding an item.
Paras is not in emerald so trade one from firered, leafgreen or xd gale of darkness.
You can't you got to trade it from firered ore leafgreen :(
To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM
Migrate from FireRed. It's easier to get Paras in THAT game.
Parasect and paras sometimes give you tinymushrooms when you catch or use the move thief and covet to them.
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on paras
You could never know that. For little mushrooms, catch a Paras, for they are known to be holding little mushrooms. BYE!
Well, you either catch it, or use a Pokemon that knows thief without having it holding an item.
You can't you have to migrate it from FireRed or LeafGreen.
Paras is not in emerald so trade one from firered, leafgreen or xd gale of darkness.
You can't you got to trade it from firered ore leafgreen :(
a paras or parasect might be holding one
To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM
You can catch a Ho-Oh at Navel Rock in Pokemon FireRed.