I bet you know, it's probably not serious isn't it?
but well okay, you can catch them in diamond and pearl right above oreburgh(machop if that's what you mean) , in black and white close to pinwheel forest, in emerald, ruby and sapphire almost everywhere but for example makuhita in granite cave and shroomish who evolves into the fighting type breloom in petalburg woods. Gold, silver and crystal; bit more difficult but still easily to catch underneath goldenrod. last but not least leaf green, blue and fire red; route 4 by suggestion or for the tough deal you'll get one in the saffron dojo.
if you still don't get it you better search on bulbapedia or serebii
The first fighting pokemon you can encounter in Ruby is in the cave at the island with the second gym. That one is makuhita. You can also catch a Shroomish in the forest south of Rustboro. Shroomish evolves into Breloom who is a grass/fighting type.
You can catch makuhita in the fighting area in Pokemon diamond
Flying and Psychic do 2x damage to Fighting-type Pokemon.
Fighting type Pokemon are weak exist Flying and Psychic.
Machop is a fighting type pokemon.
if you beat somebody in a cave near mahogany town they will give you tyrouge
The first fighting pokemon you can encounter in Ruby is in the cave at the island with the second gym. That one is makuhita. You can also catch a Shroomish in the forest south of Rustboro. Shroomish evolves into Breloom who is a grass/fighting type.
You can catch makuhita in the fighting area in Pokemon diamond
Spiritombs are found in caves on Pokemon ( assume that is what you are talking about). You need a strong fighting type Pokemon and a good 'ball'.(I am only guessing)
Flying and Psychic do 2x damage to Fighting-type Pokemon.
I would say the largest fighting type Pokemon is Machamp.
Fighting type Pokemon are weak exist Flying and Psychic.
Fire/fighting type pokemon are good . such as pokemon in the charmander family
Hitmontop is a Fighting type pokemon.
Timburr is a Fighting type pokemon.
Mienfoo is a Fighting type pokemon.
Tyrogue is a Fighting type pokemon.