You may capture a Machop in Fiery Path or Jagged Pass in Pokemon Emerald.
You can capture a Machop in Mount Coronet. You can also obtain them on routes, 206, 207, 210, 211, and 208. In Oreburgh city you can trade that Machop with some girl to get an abra.
It will evolve to Machoke about level 28. Machoke will evolve to Machamp when traded.
Machop is a fighting type pokemon.
capture legendary Pokemon like rayquaza.
Machop evolve's on level 28 into Machoke and if u want machoke to evolve u have to trade him
lvl 28
catch a machop the evolve it. To evolve it again trade it with someone.
You can capture a Machop in Mount Coronet. You can also obtain them on routes, 206, 207, 210, 211, and 208. In Oreburgh city you can trade that Machop with some girl to get an abra.
It will evolve to Machoke about level 28. Machoke will evolve to Machamp when traded.
You can find and capture pokemon in the grass,water..:) use pokeballs to capture them once you find them...:) cheers!!
Eat Them
at the spear pillar
Machop is a fighting type pokemon.
Yes emerald can and you can get a sunflora from Pokemon colosseum.
capture legendary Pokemon like rayquaza.
Underwater..... but it is very rare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a the kirlia then a machop and then i went to capture hariyama. I used Kirlia's poke assist first then i used machop's then circled one at a time and repeated thoroughly.