Hi! I want to buy godex Ds for my brother but then it's quite expensive it's hard for me to afford it since i am only earning within the minimum wage. is there an altenative for that?I mean how can I purchase it in a cheaper price?
Minecraft has not been released for the DS. Mojang has not announced plans to do so.
AT future shop or best buy I think
On the newest DS systems, you can access the Nintendo eShop, which allows you to buy and download games if you have an internet connection.
The DS lite and DSi are completely different pieces of hardware. You would have to buy a DSi, you can not turn a DS lite into a DSi
you can buy a DS from EB games you can buy a DS from EB games
a band god that was cast down from the hevans
you can buy ds games almost anywhere. at target, best buy, gamestop
buy one from a shop. if you want it for the ds, buy the one that says ds on it. if you want it for gba, buy the one that says gba on it.
You should buy your DS at Wal-Mart.They have the best prices. Buy your DS games at EB Games. From EB Games you can buy games for as low as 4.99
The DS comes with at least one stylus and you can buy additional ones at various stores.
There are a couple of places you can buy R4 for the Nintendo DS system. You can buy this at Best Buy or GameStop.
you can buy a TT DS chip at Kmart
Argos or online
GODEX DS has carnitine orotate. Carnitine being a highly lipotropic substance shuttles the long chain free fatty acid insides the mitochondria and once inside the mitochondria, the long chain free fatty acid and carnitine will then separate. The long chain free fatty acid will the undergo a series of chemical processes for it to be converted into energy in the form of ATP thus giving HIGH ENERGY. While carnitine being a free radical scavenger will look for toxins that are harmful for the body, these harmful substances will then be shuttled outside the mitochondria then it will go to the bloodstream and into the kidney and will be eliminated via the urine, thats the DETOXIFICATION effect of GODEX DS.
Yes, you can buy Love and Berry DS Game here in the Philippines at the Internet. Try searching at ebay and sulit. You can also buy Love and berry DS game at other countries.