Woozworld is a virtual world for kids age 9+. It's where kids can chat, trade, design, buy, earn, and hang out ..woozworld is when u could text go on a tour and have fun lots of kids get on woozworld.
woozworlds email is blog.woozworld.com and if you rock on woozworld add me im mcdancr no caps and buy my stuff in my room cuz tyler cox is a dork WILL DO
You can only get them if you buy an Ulimate Game Card, or you go to this website to buy it from a credit card or from your moble SMS store.woozworld.com
if you give your account i will buy you wooz and make rich in no time
There is no games related to Woozworld. Woozworld is very unique. Movie Star Planet is sort of like Woozworld, but NOT as good.
Those two methods that you mentioned are the only ways to get a reasonable amount of wooz. If you don't want to buy nor complete offers, good luck trying to get enough wooz to buy your gaga and beiber haircut.
No, she doesn't.
you can buy a woozworld membership on the site or at target.
in woozworld message marshallbro and he will get it for u
You can buy it on the Shopz.
The ones I think are the coolest boy haircuts are The Flip And Switch (Justin Beiber's haircut), The Cursed Poet (Justin Beiber's haircut with a checkered hat), and The Cursed Artist (a cute classic haircut with a hat on top). You can find these boy haircuts in the Stylez Shop, but they cost wooz. Since I don't really know about the girl haircuts, I think gaga and the butterfly bow are the best ones, but they probably cost wooz too. You might find them at the Stylez Shop too.
you buy it from someone
at omz
To be bald in woozworld you first need to buy a bald head then you wear it then your bald :)
You can't buy them. You can get them in a box in the Cabinet of Earth's House. Its in the red box. I know because i had trouble finding them!
you have to know the name
In the plaza