you dont, you have to find them with itemfinders or in pokeballs. same with elixers, once you find them, you dont get any more.
You can find ether in pokeballs. Just look for pokeballs and you will find.
I don't think you can; you have to find them
Probably @ the pokemon dept. store in lillycove.
buy them
Ether is a very helpful item that none of the pokemarkets sell. You only way of having an ether is by finding it. An itemfinder is most useful.
somewhere on the game
You can find ether in pokeballs. Just look for pokeballs and you will find.
You can buy Pokemon Ruby on eBay or Craigslist.
you cant
Buy it
I don't think you can; you have to find them
If you play as ether a boy/girl the text that your rival says is altered.
Probably @ the pokemon dept. store in lillycove.
Buy new Pokemon Ruby and play it.
buy them
you cant find it in the wild. ether: .migrate one from ruby or .use action replay