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You cannot buy premade Apple pie in harvest moon ds. You will have to make it yourself!

Here is the recipe! (This is an oven recipe)

Apple + Egg + Butter + Flour = Apple pie

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Q: Where can you buy apple pie in Harvest Moon DS?
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Related questions

How do you make apple pie on harvest moon?

Apple and Egg and Butter and Flour

How do you make an apple pie on harvest moon DS?

This is an Oven recipe! Apple + Egg + Butter + Flour = Apple Pie!!!

How do you get apple pie in harvest moon?

The only way to get it is to cook the dish yourself. This is the recipe: Apple, Flour, Egg, Butter cooked in the Oven. Once you upgrade your house you can buy a Kitchen. Then you can buy the Oven.

How do you get apple pie in harvest moon ds?

The only way to get it is to cook the dish yourself. This is the recipe: Apple, Flour, Egg, Butter cooked in the Oven. Once you upgrade your house you can buy a Kitchen. Then you can buy the Oven.

What ingredients do you need for apple pie in harvest moon ds?

Cook Apple, Flour, Egg, and Butter in the Oven in your Kitchen.

Was apple pie served at the first harvest celebration?

yes or no

How do you get muffy to like you in harvest moon?

Her favorite is Apple Pie, but some easy gifts she likes are flowers, wine and jewelry found in the dig site.

How do you make apple pie in harvest moon ds?

This is an Oven Recipe All you have to do is put Apple, Egg, Butter, and Flour in the oven. Then you will have Apple Pie.

Where do apple pies com from?

Apple pies com from harvest apples, mashed, and put into a pie dough. The apples have added ingredients such as sugar and oil.

What are the winning recipes for Harvest Moon Ds?

Cherry or Pumpkin Pie, depending on what the cow prefers better.

What is apple plus pie?

wow apple+pie= apple pie

What to do if you talk too much how to stop?

You must buy an apple. Then with that apple, make apple pie. Then the grasshopper becomes the master.