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You can get weapons using plat from in the Plat store, or go to Ozzie the Merchant in Forest Haven to buy weapons from level 1-10 using Gold. There is different guys in different townes that u can buy weapons and armour from using gold. hope this helps :)
Yes, however under a different title, the working title is "Everquest Next" said to be a re-think of the series.
Some one buy eq plat to buy item in game and update faster. I know one nice web can buy them on ,also can use 8% off coupon code: IGXECODE69562 you can check.
You can find EverQuest Platinum on eBay starting at only $3.00. Amazon sells the EverQuest: Platinum Pack for a price of $24.99. A shirt that says "Got Plat" can be bought from Zazzle for $29.95.
The most amount of coins available to purchase on Everquest was 60 coins. You can get more information about this and more at the official Everquest website.
EverQuest happened in 1999.
yes you can pvp on certiain servers in everquest yes you can pvp on certiain servers in everquest
EverQuest was created on 1999-03-16.
Lords of EverQuest happened in 2003.
EverQuest II happened in 2004.
There is no way, buy it like everyone else has too.
EverQuest II expansions was created in 2005.
EverQuest II expansions happened in 2005.
EverQuest Online Adventures happened in 2003.