Of course not. Fortanatly, psplays ps2 games. If you can find one of the first ps3's built they do not the new ones The PS2 does not Play PS3 games.
no only for ps3.the first one was for ps1 the second and third for ps2 and the fourth is for ps3.if you have a psp then you can find cool MGS games for that too:Ops and Acid
yer very supid mate i could do that the minutie i had it next your ask if ps3 has psn
Jurassic: The Hunted is a good one
There are a number of places where one can find cheap Digimon games for PS3. These include retail stores such as Walmart and GameStop as well as online auctions including eBay.
Of course not. Fortanatly, psplays ps2 games. If you can find one of the first ps3's built they do not the new ones The PS2 does not Play PS3 games.
One can find games rental when one goes to the website of redbox. On this site, one can rent video games as well as Wii games, Xbox games and PS3 games.
GamesSpot provides a list of all PS3 games. This is a searchable list. If one searches for car racing games, a complete list of all PS3 car racing games will be found.
For games that are for both systems like call of duty there is not much of a difference but if you want to find a games that has the BEST graphics it will be one of the games that is only for ps3.
You can find a Playstation 3 for sale used at your local GameStop or EB games. You can also purchase one from personal sellers on websites like eBay and Craigslist.
They are cheap buy a used one or get a PS3
There are many locations that offer a cheap PS3. One of the best places to look is on eBay and Craigslist because they offer good deals on used products.
no only for ps3.the first one was for ps1 the second and third for ps2 and the fourth is for ps3.if you have a psp then you can find cool MGS games for that too:Ops and Acid
There are several online websites where one could purchase a cheap Madden 09 for PS3. Amazon, eBay, Overstock and Gamefly are online sources for this item.
Owning a PS3 over a XBOX 360 means you get a Blu-Ray DVD player. Seeing that they're over $1,000 and up, a PS3 is a cheap way to own one, as well as play games on. Also the PS3 has better graphics, so if you have a HDTV, it'll show. But if you own a PS2, you have access to some of the best games of the last generation at a very cheap price.
a used one, probably 199