One can find Pokemon cards on online classifieds sites, as well as on eBay. One should be able to find old Pokemon cards as well, but since Pokemon isn't that old they can't be considered to be antique.
There are many places where one can purchase ex Pokemon cards. One may visit online retailers such as Wizards of the Coast to purchase these cards. One may also find Pokemon cards for purchase on eBay.
Rare pokemon cards can be found online in various websites such as Ebay and Craigslist. Rare trading cards can also be found at various card shops which specialize in card collecting.
cause game freak didint have any good sounds for Pokemon ... but only 'cos Pokemon doent exist so they could'NT find any...
I found thoes two cards on search by google pictures:
A zigzagoon can and they are easy to find in the first part of the game. Funny I just caught one. Hope this helps. =)
There are many locations to find funny birthday cards online. They can be found through Hallmark and Somee Cards. The can be printed cards and ecards.
it depends on were u live is a website to get funny greeting cards for birthdays. Just go to this site and search for what you want and you will find it all there.
One can find funny holiday cards online by visiting different retailers. Hallmark is a reputable source in greeting cards and offer many different types of them including humorous holiday cards.
In a shop that sells them along with the normal Pokemon cards genius.
I find that the best places to find funny greeting cards is at your local Wal-mart, Target, or K-mart stores. They provide a much better selection than basic card stores.
There are several sites online that have funny greeting cards. Try,, or Or if you want in store cards, try wal mart or a similair place.
merlin is a great site for funny e-cards which would be perfect for your brother the web address is They have a huge variety of funny cards available to suit every budget
It is faster to find christmas cards close to your local area, however the results online are endless. Some companies that are good for finding funny christmas cards are Nobleworks, Cafe press, zazzle,funny-ecards. These are good companies they have funny selections and have free shipping.
At the Dollar Store.
E-cards are very easy to find,there are numerous website for them, such as You can also try using keywords such as christmas e-cards, funny e-cards,etc.