Jtag xboxes are modded xboxes that allow you to get most of the downloadable content you normally would have to pay for, for free from various websites. These xboxes are very easily detected by Microsoft and are normally banned within hours-days of it being played with online. Most people with these boxes use them as their "offline" system.
The Xbox 360 can get hot for many reasons. Most reasons are the Xboxes are not in a properly vented area. Other reasons may be that the Xbox is dusty or it could have a bad fan.
well xbox 360 elite is $299.99 xbox 360 arcade is $399.99 i will pick xbox 360 elite. there is no xbox 720 there is just a newer xbox 360 with wifi built in.
System link is mostly used for xboxes on the same network, which allows all xbox on that network the optioin to play together. This feature unique for xbox is why there are few PS3 tournaments.
In a factory ;p By a giant shhhmole
PS3s, XBoxes, condoms, y'know... dildos
They aren't.
yes but the internet is slower because it has to travel to the two xboxes. hope this helps!!
Xboxes are made out of a combination of plastic, silicon, steel and iron, plus small bits of a few other, rarer metals.
Not that I know of, but it can get Red Ring of Death.
A computer chip used in Xboxes and elsewhere.
Jtag xboxes are modded xboxes that allow you to get most of the downloadable content you normally would have to pay for, for free from various websites. These xboxes are very easily detected by Microsoft and are normally banned within hours-days of it being played with online. Most people with these boxes use them as their "offline" system.
No, there are no Xbox Easter eggs in The Last Of Us. However there are three Playstation 3's. The developers who made the game are Playstation fans.
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