In what game? check out and you can find out where to find shuppet in every game.
there are none in the wild you have to breed Bannette
Shuppet evolves
Shuppet evolves at level 37
Shuppet is a Ghost type pokemon.
Shuppet evolves into Banette at level 37.
there are none in the wild you have to breed Bannette
Shuppet evolves
There are no wild Shuppets in Pokemon pearl version, you have to obtain one by trading or using the Pal-Park.
Shuppet evolves at level 37
Shuppet is a Ghost type pokemon.
Shuppet will evolve into Banette at level 37.
Shuppet evolves into Banette at level 37.
There are no Shuppet eggs in Pokemon Diamond.
Shuppet evolves into Banette at level 37.
Shuppet evolves at level 37 into Banette.
It evolves into Banette. It's a Ghost type Pokemon, pre-evolution of Shuppet. Shuppet evolves into Banette at level 37.
You cant start as a shuppet but you can recruit it somwere