You can find a wild horses on every isle except for one with large towns.
If you need more help I'm IvoryLace on LifeCycle and Eternal :)
you cant release a horse into the wild but you cansurrender a horse at the barn so other people can buy it,hope this helps
On Horse Isle on the pathway you use when walking to Hoof Isle
There isn't a Hare isle on Horse Isle 2, only Horse Isle 1, where you get to it from Earton dock.
You take your horse to the livery stable (the big red barn). Then you click on the person and click livery and then your horses name.
Howrse is pretty similar. There is also Horse Isle 2, Legend of the Esroh
Horse Isle 2 was released May 4, 2010. The game was in BETA testing for quite some time beforehand. See the Related Links section below for links to HorseIsle 2: Eternal and HorseIsle 2: LifeCycle.
You have to have 5,000 experience points and the horse has to have at least 1,000.
When you role-play as a horse. Instead of a human your pretend you are a horse.
No. Horse Isle and Horse Isle 2 are flash web-based games.
A companion increase's your horses ut's. The amout of ut points that will be added on, all depends on what companion you have. ChloeXXxx {Brown server }
the scientific name for a horse horse^^^^^^horseisle answer it basicaly means horse in latin
The Shire is the tallest horse on Horseisle2.
Pecos Bill lives on the second biggest of the Cloud Isles. To get to Cloud, you need 75% Quest Points (QP for short)
caca molida christian villareal
Go to the main Horse Isle website and log in. On the server page, right above the servers, there will be a little link to see your violation points. If you have no violation points, there will be no link. Violation points are removed in about 2 months after they have been issued. (If you need more Horse Isle help, check out the related links.)