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You can get a few of moon stones:

1. Inside the Mt. Moon (go around looking for items in pokeballs),

1. Inside the Mt. Moon (at the end you can get a fossil after you beat a nerd, just below there is a recess, walk into it and click action buttom)*I accidently found out about it ;P*,

3. In the Rocket Hideout (just walk around looking for items in pokeballs),

4. In the Cinnibar Mansion (just enter it and go up, until you see a group of stones on the left, click on them and you will find moon stone in one of them),

5. On Two Island, after you save Collette (or something, I don't remember her name now, but I know she was game corner owner's kid ;P),

6. Additionally you can catch a Clefairy, however a chance of holding moon stone by it is pathetic low (I think around 5 %, but I don't remember now).

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Q: Where are the moon stone location at Pokemon fire red?
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In Pokemon Ruby what Pokemon get evolved by stones?

Pokemon requiring a stone to evolve:Eevee - Thunder stone, Jolteon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby) Eevee- fire stone, Flareon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Eevee- water stone, Vaporeon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Sunkern- sun stone, Sunflora (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Jigglypuff- moon stone, WigglytuffSkitty - moon stone, DelcattyNidorino- moon stone, Nidoking (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Nidorina- moon stone, Nidoqueen (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Growlithe- fire stone, Arcanine (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Gloom- sun stone, BellosumGloom- leaf stone, VileplumeStaryu- water stone, StarmiePikachu- thunder stone, RaichuLombre- water stone, LudicoloNuzleaf- leaf stone, ShiftryVulpix- fire stone, NinetalesHappiny- oval stone Chansey

What stones are there in Pokemon?

Moon stone, Leaf stone, Water stone, Fire stone, Dawn stone, Shiny stone, Dusk stone.

What Pokemon can evovle from a leaf water fire moon leaf stone in Pokemon leaf green?

Leaf Stone: Exeggcute, Gloom, Weepinbel Water Stone: Staryu, Eevee, Poliwhirl Fire Stone: Vulpix, Growlithe, Eevee Moon Stone: Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina, Nidorino I'm about 90 % sure that this is all of them.

How do you get a moon stone in Pokemon Raptor?

There is no moon stone in POkemon raptor or pokemon raptor ex

What type of stone do you need to evolve a NIDORAN in Pokemon fire red?

well you evolve nidoran into nidorino, nidorina and then use a moon stone

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In Pokemon Ruby what Pokemon get evolved by stones?

Pokemon requiring a stone to evolve:Eevee - Thunder stone, Jolteon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby) Eevee- fire stone, Flareon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Eevee- water stone, Vaporeon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Sunkern- sun stone, Sunflora (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Jigglypuff- moon stone, WigglytuffSkitty - moon stone, DelcattyNidorino- moon stone, Nidoking (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Nidorina- moon stone, Nidoqueen (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Growlithe- fire stone, Arcanine (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Gloom- sun stone, BellosumGloom- leaf stone, VileplumeStaryu- water stone, StarmiePikachu- thunder stone, RaichuLombre- water stone, LudicoloNuzleaf- leaf stone, ShiftryVulpix- fire stone, NinetalesHappiny- oval stone Chansey

What are the Pokemon evolution items?

the fire stone,moon stone, or any other kinds of stones

What stones are there in Pokemon?

Moon stone, Leaf stone, Water stone, Fire stone, Dawn stone, Shiny stone, Dusk stone.

What Pokemon evolves with moon stone in Pokemon fire red?


What Pokemon can evovle from a leaf water fire moon leaf stone in Pokemon leaf green?

Leaf Stone: Exeggcute, Gloom, Weepinbel Water Stone: Staryu, Eevee, Poliwhirl Fire Stone: Vulpix, Growlithe, Eevee Moon Stone: Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina, Nidorino I'm about 90 % sure that this is all of them.

How do you get a moon stone in Pokemon Raptor?

There is no moon stone in POkemon raptor or pokemon raptor ex

Como evoluciono a Eevee en Pokemon platinum?

You must find a special stone (fire stone, moon stone, ect.) and give it to your eevee to evolve it. It evolves according to the stone you gave it. For example, if you gave it a fire stone, it would evolve in to the fire eevee.

What type of stone do you need to evolve a NIDORAN in Pokemon fire red?

well you evolve nidoran into nidorino, nidorina and then use a moon stone

How do you get the moon stone in Pokemon sapphire?

we can get a moon stone on meterear falls

What pokemon evoles with a moon stone in fire red?

Before the national Dex. Nidorina, Nidorino, Jigglypuff and Clefairy.

Can you buy moon stone on Pokemon fire red version?

no since it has no value, it cant be bought, you have to find one

What is an evolution stone?

an evoloution stone is a special stone that evolves some Pokemon. EG: eevee: use a water stone on it to evolve it into a vaporeon fire stone on it for a flareon thunder stone for a jolteon there are lots of Pokemon an evoloution stone can evolve types of stone: fire stone water stone thunder stone dusk stone leaf stone shiny stone dawn stone sun stone moon stone