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Charge Ball Glove:



Charge Shield:

Havoc Gloves: Queen of the Ants- Plains

Time Stopper: Queen of the Ants- The Nest (Scan with LEVEL 3 Scanner in the corner of the wall and the closed gate with red lights (You will easily see the closed gate when you enter The Nest from the Plains))

L.E.V Gun: Revenge of the Bowler Hats

Energy Reflectors: Magma Industries or Revenge of the Bowler Hats

Lightning Generator: Magma Industries- Volcanic Crater

Meatball Gun: Magma Industries- The City (Tall tower with ladder and Hopping Shoes ability)

Baseball: Revenge of the Bowler Hats

Robinson Sneakers: Queen of the Ants- Ant Canyons

Hopping Shoes: Magma Industries- Volcanic Inferno

Invisibility Suit: Revenge of the Bowler Hats- Factory Courtyard

Body Reverser: Magma Industries- Magma Industries (area) (Scan with LEVEL 3 Scanner diagonally in the open covered side on the SELECT Map)

PB & J Maker: ancient Egypt (Complete Story Mode with Hopping Shoes (Hard-to-Reach ledge at the end of Ancient Egypt))

Drill Shoes: Magma Industries- Volcanic Crater

Power Gloves: Magma Industries- Volcanic Inferno

Attack Medal: All logos in Queen of the Ants

Defense Medal: All logos in Magma Industries

Caffiene Patch: Revenge of the Bowler Hats- Guard Tower

Carl Transporter

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Q: Where are the gadgets in Meet the Robinsons DS?
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How do you play meet the robinsons on ds?

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collect all the cards by scanning them

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How do you get the time stopper on meet the robinsons ds?

Check Stefano Gonzalez`s MTRDS page.

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The duration of Meet the Robinsons is 1.58 hours.

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Meet the Robinsons - video game - happened in 2007.

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Meet the Robinsons - video game - was created on 2007-03-27.

When did Meet the Robinsons arrive in theatres?

Meet The Robinsons arrived in theatres March 30, 2007 from Walt Disney Pictures.

What do you get for collecting all the logos on meet the robinsons ds?

if you collect all the logos in each world (queen of the ants, magma industries, and revenge of the bowler hats) you gain access to gadgets! queen of the ants- attack medal magma industries- defense medal revenge of the bowler hats- carl transporter Credit to Stefano Gonzalez