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There is An egg which is given to you by a collector man just outside of Hearthome city, it is a Happiny egg (Which evolves into Chansey, then Blissey). Then Riley gives you and egg when you help him out on Iron Island (You can get a boat there from Canalave city, you talk to the sailor by the 'port' and he will take you there). This egg is a Riolu egg (Which evolves into Lucario). Hope I helped, Happy gaming!!! :-) P.S - Make space in your team otherwise they will say that you havent got enough room for an egg.

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Q: Where are the eggs in Pokemon Pearl?
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This is Pokemon. Not runescape. You can't get Easter eggs in Pokemon ;)

What Pokemon eggs do you find on pearl?

you can get diffrent Pokemon eggs with the diffrent Pokemon u use

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talk to lots of people and they give you eggs

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Can you make lenedary eggs on Pokemon pearl?

no you can not have legendary Pokemon eggs unless you went to a Nintendo event

What cities can you get free Pokemon eggs in Pokemon pearl?

You can get one in hearthome city.

What Pokemon can create eggs in Pearl?

the Pokemon have to be opposite genders and have the same type

Can you make Ditto eggs in Pokemon pearl and diamond?

no you cant!!!!

Can Dialga and Palkia have eggs?

Dialga and Palkia are the legendary Pokemon mascots of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl respectively. As they are legendary Pokemon, they cannot be bred to produce eggs.

How do you clone Pokemon on Pokemon Pearl?

using action replay codes also hatching from eggs.

How do you get legendary Pokemon eggs in Pokemon soul silver?

it is impossible except for when you have cheats in Pokemon pearl,platinum,diamond