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One is to the left of celadon city you find a tree and cut it then go up and you will see the trainers, one is to the right of vermillion city near where snorlax used to be, two are on seven island one is in sevault canyon, the other right below the Pokemon center, on six island surf up and find two little girls, to the right of lavendar town there are two little girls, on three island there are two little girls near berry forest, on one island there is a karate couple near the ember spa, to the right of fuschia city are two little girls and also there if you go to the left there is a tree to cut cut it then go left and there is a karate couple, surf down from pallet town to find a sister and brother combo and to the right of cinnabar is another.

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Q: Where are the double battles in FireRed?
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Are there any double battles in Pokemon FireRed?


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How do you befriend Pokemon on FireRed?

You must battle with them, and not let them faint. The more battles you win with them, the more they will like you.

Where do you get a max revive in FireRed?

you have to go to Pokemon indigo i think and before the battles theres a shop and i think u buy it from there

Do you have to do single or double battles to fight tower tycoon Palmer in Pokemon diamond or pearl?

You have to do single battles

How do you use pickup with meowth in FireRed?

Pickup is activated randomly usually after a few battles if you check meowth it should be holding an item.

What does Brock allow you to unlock in Pokemon FireRed?

The first badge in the game. He also allows you to use HM Cut outside of battles.

What was the first Pokemon game to have double battles?

The first games to have double battles was Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. A bit of Trivia: The first double battle is against a couple of twins on a bridge between the Petalburg Forest and Rustboro City who has a Seedot and a Lotad.

When do you have a double battle in Pokemon Crystal?

Double Battles were first introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.

Who teaches double edge in Pokemon firered?

Some Pokemon learn that move like togetic.

In Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum can you get the 100 consecutive battles for the black trainer card only in single battle mode or also in multi or double battle mode?

You can get 100 consecutive battles in single and double battle modes.

What is rock slide in Pokemon FireRed?

Rock Slide: TM no.48 Effect: Deals non-contacting damage to the foe Pokemon. Has 30% chance to flinch the opposing Pokemon In Battle: Hurts both Pokemon in Double Battles Power: 75 Base Power (BP) Accuracy: 95% Type: Rock