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Q: Where are the Wii music lessons?
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Where Are The Wii Music Expand What if your Style Lessons?

play and make videos to every new song that you already unlocked.then go to the lessons when instructed.

How do you upload music onto wii music?

you can't upload any music on wii music. hopefully they come up with a wii music 2!

What is the different between private music lessons and normal ones?

Private music lessons are with only you and a music teacher. "Normal" music lessons is were you are put in a class type setting.

Can music from Wii music be sent to Wii menu?

no unfortunately

When did Wii Music happen?

Wii Music happened in 2008.

How do you earn more music in Wii music?

1. Take lessons (on main menu, the icon is the "puppet" playing the piano) 2. Pass certain stages on Pitch Perfect (under games on the main menu)

Can you put music from Wii music onto Wii playwii fit?

No, you can not

Did ray Charles take any music lessons?

yes he took many music lessons

When was Wii Music created?

Wii Music was created on 2008-10-16.

Can you buy Wii music on Wii shop?


Where can music composition lessons be found online?

Music composition lessons can be found online via the Ure Music website. In addition to this one can find music composition lessons via the YouTube website completely free.

Where can I get keyboard lessons for myself?

You can find piano keyboard lessons by going to your local music stores and asking for private lessons. The best lessons will be given by a teacher with a music education degree.