

Best Answer

almost in any body of water just use a super rod and you can get them on two or three four island>
seafoam islands
Seafoam Islands.

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Q: Where are slowpoke located on Pokemon LeafGreen?
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When does slowpoke evolve in pokemon LeafGreen?

In Pokemon leafgreen, slowpoke either evolves into slowbro at Lv.37 or slowking, when you give it the item King's Rock to hold and then trade it.

What level does slowpoke evolve on in Pokemon LeafGreen?

level 37Evolves into a Slowbro at lvl.37Level 37.

Where do you find slowpoke in LeafGreen?

at seafoam islands

Pokemon LeafGreen how to get shellder?

Shellder is a version exclusive Pokemon only found in Fire red. But, Instead of Shellder, you can get Slowpoke, if you use a good rod in the Vermillion city harbor.

Where do you catch Slowpoke in Pokemon FireRed?

There is no route 205 on Pokemon fire red, it only goes up to route 25; you can only get slopoke on leafgreen[ yOU ARE RIGHT BUT YOU CAN POKERADAR IT ON ROUTE 205 I CAUGHT IT MYSELF... ] There IS no Pokeradar in Fire Red, neither is there a route 205. You're talking about Generation IV. Do your research first - - You can't catch a wild Slowpoke or Slowbro - but you can catch a Psyduck. You can only get a Slopoke in Leaf Green.AnswerYou only find Slowpoke in Leafgreen. AnswerWell, you can't catch a Slowpoke/Slowbro on Fire Red, only on Leaf Green. The Way I did it, so I didn't have to buy LG is use a Gameshark, and use a wild Pokemon modifier code. If you have one, go to, or for a Action Replay, go to AnswerA Slowpoke is only obtainable in Pokemon Leafgreen. Trade for it to get it.Only leafgreen can capture slowpoke, trade slowpoke from leafgreen to firered.You can find slowpoke in the Seafoam Islandsthrough walking, surfing and using the superrod. And you can also even find a Slowbro.And you can also find slowpokes in Route 21and Route 19 by using the Super Rod.-jean- ^_^ can't get slowpoke in Firered. You need to trade it from LeafgreenYou can't. You have to trade it from leaf green.You can't. You need to trade it from leaf can't find slowpoke in fire red you have to trade it from leaf green

Related questions

Where you can find a slowpoke in Pokemon FireRed?

Slowpoke is only available in leafgreen.

When does slowpoke evolve in pokemon LeafGreen?

In Pokemon leafgreen, slowpoke either evolves into slowbro at Lv.37 or slowking, when you give it the item King's Rock to hold and then trade it.

Where do you catch Slowpoke in Pokemon platnom?

Migrate one from leafgreen.

Can you find a slowpoke in Pokemon sapphire?

You must trade from LeafGreen version.

How do you move slowpoke out of the way in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You need some flute but I forgot where it is.

Where do you catch a slowpoke in Pokemon LeafGreen?

u get a Slowpoke in the Seafoam islands. just roam around. u can also find a Slowbro if ur lucky

What level does slowpoke evolve on in Pokemon LeafGreen?

level 37Evolves into a Slowbro at lvl.37Level 37.

How do you get slowking on Pokemon Pokemon LeafGreen?

i think you make a slowpoke hold a kings rock and as it levels up it may evolve

Where can you get slowpoke in FireRed?

Slowpoke is not in firered only leafgreen can get it trade one to firered to get it.

Where to get slowpoke in FireRed?

Slowpoke is a LeafGreen exclusive, along with Staryu, Pinsir, Bellsprout and Sneasel.

What Pokemon can you get in Pokemon LeafGreen that you cant get in fire red?

Magmar, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Vulpix, Marill, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Staryu, Pinsir, & Misdreavus.

Where do you find slowpoke in LeafGreen?

at seafoam islands