Ships are tied to things called docks that are in harbors.(usually)
you can get tied up from a person of from a trick
epsiode 264 and 269 ash get tied up and in epsidoe 315 thatcher get tied up gagged in 308 may and max get tied up and in 314 may max and ash get tied up and in 419 ash may and max get tied up
Cynthia is tied up on episode 600
in yugioh the movie maga yugi tea and mokuba are tied up in web and gagged then tied up in rope 30 mint in
Ships are tied to things called docks that are in harbors.(usually)
Ships are tied to things called docks that are in harbors.(usually)
Most ships are tied to the dock. Rats can walk along the ropes that are tied to the dock, right onto the ship.
Dock. Homophone of "doc," slang for a doctor.
They did. But it was only a bucket. They wasn't able to use it though as they were tied up in shackles so they couldn't get to it.
They were captured by slave traders who tied them up and forced them to walk to the ships under the threat of weapons.
no. she just sometimes wears them tied up behind her back.
Not usually. Pirates were sometimes given ships by governments that wanted to hire them, sometimes they were wealthy enough to have ships built for them, sometimes they just commandeered other ships.
you can get tied up from a person of from a trick