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You will see them through out the game

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Q: Where are all the galactic grunts in the Sinnoh?
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How do you get to the top of galactic HQ in Pokemon?

You just have to beat all of the galactic grunts and you will be at the top.

Where are the Galactic Grunts in mt Cornet?

You can find the Galactic Grunts at the top of Mt. Coronet. You will then fight 2 of the galactic commanders. You will fight them with Barry. Then, you enter the distortion world.

What do you do after you defeat all the team galactic grunts in the team galactic HQ in Pokemon pearl?

after you get galactic key go to the HQ with sattilite dish go to the door

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there are no team galactic grunts in that game. only team rocket, and they are not at lake of rage.

Who is galactic grunt?

The Galactic grunts are just members of Team galactic. They don't have a high rank like Mars or Saturn.

What do you do after the library in Pokemon Platinum?

Beat all the team galactic guys at the three lakes of Sinnoh.

Where is the galactic grunt on Pokemon Pearl?

Well, there are quite alot of Galactic Grunts throughout the game. Where/what part are you on?

Where is the galactic grunt after you beat the forth gym leader?

Galactic Grunts are everywhere! They play a major part in the game.

Why can't you battle the two galactic grunts in floaroma?

Defeat the Galactic Goon in front of the Valley Windworks first.

How do you get past the Galactic Grunts in Pokemon Platinum with no action replay?

Battle them.

How do you make galactic grunts appear in acuity lake?

You don't! Sorry...

How do you get the master ball in Pokemon pearl?

You have to defeat the Galactic Grunts' boss, Cyrus.