I only know 3 places: Glutzonz Zoo
Lib Street Fashion Room, and Woozworld Stadium.
Please add me and have a great time!
You can also find his caps here
-Movie Theatre
-Foodz showroom
-Rookie's Quest
-Max's game show
-Boutique Mya collections
-Stylz Shop
these are were all the caps are is woozworld.-Rookie Quests-Stylz Shop-Foodz Showroom-Woozmart-Woozworld stadium-Libstreet Fashion room-Gluttonz Zoo--Movie Theatre-Mya Wooz's new boutique
In the public rooms :)
one of them is stlyes shop
woozworlds email is blog.woozworld.com and if you rock on woozworld add me im mcdancr no caps and buy my stuff in my room cuz tyler cox is a dork WILL DO
You will receive a spell that will make you a rock band and once ppl click on you you get beex. Hope my answer helps u add me on woozworld my name is venessahughend in woozworld.
jaywoozs cafe
in corner
these are were all the caps are is woozworld.-Rookie Quests-Stylz Shop-Foodz Showroom-Woozmart-Woozworld stadium-Libstreet Fashion room-Gluttonz Zoo--Movie Theatre-Mya Wooz's new boutique
In the public rooms :)
It's max&jenny2gether4ever No caps, no spaces
one of them is stlyes shop
woozworlds email is blog.woozworld.com and if you rock on woozworld add me im mcdancr no caps and buy my stuff in my room cuz tyler cox is a dork WILL DO
Pirate quest, Awoozing race, mya's bags, and jay's caps
The caps ar in the -Max game show Unitz -Gluttonz Zoo -Foodz Show Room -Woozworld Stadium -WoozMart -Boutique Mya collection Shop -Rookie Quest -Stylz Shop -Lib Street Fashion Room -Movie Theater
max&jenny2gether4ever JUST. LIKE. THAT. No spaces. No caps. Try not to miss spell it :)
You will receive a spell that will make you a rock band and once ppl click on you you get beex. Hope my answer helps u add me on woozworld my name is venessahughend in woozworld.
hello dear friends, these are the places where u can find jaywooz caps, -stylz shop -woozmart -rookie quest -max game show -lib street fashion room -woozworld stadium -foodshowroom -myawooz boutique -gluttonz zoo -movie theatre from, A Friend Of WoozWorld.