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You can only obtain an Ampharos if you level it up from a Flaaffy. A Flaaffy can be caught on Routes 42 and 43.

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Q: Where and how to find an Ampharos on Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where do you get the medicine for ampharos in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Surf to Cianwood and visit the pharmacy there.

What Pokemon can you eazily get for the elite four to beat them in Pokemon soulsilver?

Legendaries or Feraligatr, Ampharos, and Heracross.

When does Flaaffy evovle from Pokemon SoulSilver?

Flaaffy evolves at level 35 into Ampharos.

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On Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver what is the SecretPotion?

You get it at the Cianwood City Pharmacy. It is used to Cure The Lighthouse Pokemon Ampharos. This answer is right-on. the pharmacy in Cianwood City in the Johto Region, and it is used to cure the ailling lighthouse Pokemon ampharos.

How do you get ampharos in pokemon soulsilver?

You can either catch a mareep, breed a mareep, trade a mareep or go to the global trade station and ask 4 a mareep/ Ampharos :)

Where to find the Pokemon ampharos in Pokemon rangers?

im sorry but there is no ampharos in pkmn ranger but , i dont know what rangers are u talkin about

What type of Pokemon is Ampharos?

Ampharos is an Electric type pokemon.

Where do you find ampharos in soulsilver?

If you mean a wild one you cant find. Try catching a mareep (on routes 32, 42 and 43) or a flafly (on routes 42 and 43) and evolve it to Ampharos (lvl 30)

What kind of Pokemon is a Ampharos?

An Ampharos is a Lighting Pokemon. It is also my favorite Pokemon too!

Pokemon soulsilver what level does flaaffy evolve?

In Pokemon soul silver flaaffy evolves at level 30. I have an ampharos and its really strong and it has really close friendship with me! Hope this helps!

Where do you find Celebi on Pokemon SoulSilver?

you cant find celebi in soulsilver