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Use Surf on one of these routes: 205, 213, 218, 219, 220, 221, and 222.

Thanks! That really helped alot! My gmail is just kidding

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Q: Where Do you Find Tentacool in Pokemon Pearl?
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What Pokemon is 72 in the original pokedex in pearl?

In the national pokedex it's tentacool, and in the pearl pokedex it's misdreavus.

Where do you find tentacool in Pokemon diamond?

Use Surf on Route 205 and you'll easily find a Tentacool.

How do you get toxic spikes Pokemon pearl?

Certain Pokemon learn it by leveling up, such as tentacool. There is no TM and no Tutor, so you might want to check's attackdex to find out what Pokemon can use it and how they learn it.

Were to find the final evolution of tentacool on Pokemon platnim?

it is Tentacruel

Where to see tentacool?

In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum you can find Tentacool in almost any large body of water. Once you get the move Surf from the Pastoria Gym go back to Sandgem town. You have to teach a Pokemon surf first, pretty much all Water type Pokemon can learn it. Then go down to the beach and use surf in the water. Swim around a bit and you're bound to run into a Tentacool.

Where is tentacool in Pokemon pearl?

Tentacools and Tentacruels are often found while surfing. Try areas around Pastoria City.

What route do you find tentacool in Pokemon soul silver?

if you have surf then anywhere with water

Can you get a tentacool in Pokemon white 2?

In RSE you can find Tentacool on Route 103.

In Pokemon Pearl where do you find Dialga?

you do not find dialga in Pokemon pearl

What is the Pokemon in 72?

Pokemon 72 is Tentacool.

Where do you find tentacrul on Pokemon sapphire?

you can't you have to catch a tentacool then it evolves at level 30.

What Pokemon can I find with an old rod?

With the old rod you have the lovely selections of Magikarp and Tentacool