You need OFB ed. as Nightlife [strangely] uses the same programming.
Click on the related link below and download the file. When it's been downloaded, double click on it and install the file. Move the file(s) into the download folder of the Sims 2.
it might be inteenimater
a better choice would be to go on google and search INTEENIMATER; download it!. this will allow your teenage sims to get engaged, marry, and woohoo/try for baby just like your adult sims. a word of info though, if your teen sims becomes pregnant, she will turn into an adult (your sim will also have a biological clock, that way you can choose for her to have a miscarriage, have an immediate delivery, etc. to access it, left click on your sim and go to INTEENIMATER and choose my biological clock). once she has the baby, however, she will turn back into a teenager and you will have a teenage mother hope i helped :)
You download the mod sims 2.
You need to download inteenimater.
Teens are not able to become pregnant on Sims 2, for PC, if you have not downloaded the Inteenimater file. If you would like to download the file try searching 'inteenimater' on the Internet.
*Sigh* You have to download the Inteenimater. go to SimsPE i think and look. Have fun.
You need OFB ed. as Nightlife [strangely] uses the same programming.
the insimenator is my favorite download ever for the sims 2 it can be found here:,100226.0.html
You download the inteenimater from modthesims2, I recomend you look up how to on youtube because its very complicated and if you do it wrong you it harm your game. If you don't have the inteenimater then there's really no other way to get teen sims pregnant.
Click on the related link below and download the file. When it's been downloaded, double click on it and install the file. Move the file(s) into the download folder of the Sims 2.
it might be inteenimater
The only way to do that is to download a hack into your game. It's called "Inteenimater" It is REALLY hard to install ... it took me like a week just do a bunch of google searches
There are cheats and hacks you can get. Try and you can get an object called the "InSIMenator"and "Inteenimater" and that can control almost anything.
you cant download the sims 2 celebration stuff with out the sims 2