

Best Answer

Its not really a mountain. Its the slot and card games.

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Q: Where's gold mountain on gaia
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In gaia online where is gold mountain?

You can go to the Isle de Gambino on the World Map. Gold mountain is in the Northern part of the isle. Also, you canget to Gold mountain through Gaia Shops. In Prize & Joy there is an option "Buy Tokens" which takes you to Gold Mountain.

How do you visit gold mountain on gaia?

Click the Map on the top-right section of the screen. Gold Mountain is in one of those towns.

How do you get gaia tokens?

You can buy them from the marketplace, and at gold mountain. Also, you get them in daily chance.

I want to buy gaia gold at an online gaia gold shop. How can I choose a safe gaia gold shop?

You cannot buy Gaia gold. There are no "safe shops". If you're found "buying gold" (which you're just going to get scammed out of cash), then you can be permabanned. You can, however, use your money to buy Gaia Cash directly from Gaia Online, and sell the items on the marketplace for gold.

You want to buy gaia gold at an online gaia shop?

You cannot buy gold at an online Gaia Shop, sorry dear. ;)

How do you get 1000s of gold on gaia?

Booty grab, or gaia cash. Made me millions.

Wheres professor oaks aide in heart gold?

in india

Can you buy Gaia gold?

No, you can only buy Gaia Cash. Gaia Cash can be used to purchase rare items through the Cash Shop which often sell for high amounts of gold in the marketplace and Gaia Exchange forum. In this manner, you can convert money to Gaia gold, but it avoids the issues of massive inflation by using the cash as an incentive to get other members to give up their gold (for the rare items).

How much gold is on a 25 dollar gaia card?

$25=2500 gaia cash

Are their any gaia accounts that were never hacked that still has gold?

I don't understand your question. But my gaia account was never hacked and I have plenty of gold.

Hi you have a gaia account that has 223000 gold and some gaia cash and a lot of cool items how much is that wort?

Im not sure..... do you meen in gaia gold or actual cash in the human world? cash: probally around $80 or less gaia gold: in the millions that's all i can say hope this is helpful

Who has donated the most gold on gaia?
