'Immediately' is misleading, normally you summon in the main phase so you need to wait until the battle phase, it can attack in the same turn it is summoned. If a monster is summoned in the battle phase then usually it can declare an attack as the next game action.
As long as you are Special Summoning before, or during the Battle Phase, then yes, that monster can attack.
Setting is similar, yet not identical to normal summoning. a normal summon is when you Summon a monster onto the field in face-up attack position, whereas a set is when you normal summon a monster in face-down defense position. When a monster is set, it is not yet considered a summoned monster.
yes you can but only once per turn and you cant attack on the first turn of the duel so if you go first you cant attack with it
A Reverse Summon is the Japanese name for what the TCG calls a Flip Summon. To Flip Summon a monster, in your main phase 1 or 2, you manually change the position of one of your monsters from being Set, into face-up Attack Position.
When, you flip summon a "Yu-Gi-Oh!" monster, it was before in face-down defence position and now is in face-up attack position. You can only use this in a turn in which you have not already done anything with that monster card. You can not summon it into face-down position and then flip it straight away - you must wait until the next turn.
As long as you are Special Summoning before, or during the Battle Phase, then yes, that monster can attack.
Setting is similar, yet not identical to normal summoning. a normal summon is when you Summon a monster onto the field in face-up attack position, whereas a set is when you normal summon a monster in face-down defense position. When a monster is set, it is not yet considered a summoned monster.
yes, but only monster cards. you can special summon it in face-up defense or attack position.
The lack of two battle phases makes this kinda moot.
yes you can but only once per turn and you cant attack on the first turn of the duel so if you go first you cant attack with it
Tribute summons are performed in the main phases, as are synchro summons. So if you have an attack phase and attack with one monster, the only way you can use it as tribute for a tribute summon (or send it for a synchro summon) is to enter Main Phase 2. If you do this, then you won't be able to declare an attack with the new monster since you have left the battle phase. The only thing you could do really is use an effect that can Special summon while you are still in the battle phase.
You put a monster in face down defense position BUT your not allowed to normel summon a monster in defense postion.
A Reverse Summon is the Japanese name for what the TCG calls a Flip Summon. To Flip Summon a monster, in your main phase 1 or 2, you manually change the position of one of your monsters from being Set, into face-up Attack Position.
A person can use Monster Reborn then Inferno Reckless Summon to summon Machina Cannon in Yu-Gi-Oh. A person may also use Machine Duplication to complete this action.
Inferno Reckless summon!
of course