the starry night festival in harvest moon ds is held at night and it's on the beach.
The Starry Night Festival is on top of the hill in Brownie Ranch, by Alan's Tree. It took me two years to find it.
on the beach :) on the beach :) on the beach :)or , if you get a girl's heart up enough she will ask you
Yes and you have to ask them the day before.
Well, I married Celia and we had a baby called Owen. Owen is now teenage stage so I can go out without Owen. Celia cooked for me on starry night festival. We enjoyed our meal, make sure your meal is Toast. Then Celia said "Poppy (my characters name because I'm a girl in real life but boy on harvest moon ds) do you want to go and have a stroll to the beach?" she took my hand. "Yes" I replied and we held hands and said bye to Owen, then left. We arrived at the beach, we looked at the starry night, when ... (Daryll is against me) Daryll held Celia, took her to his lab and put her to sleep! Daryll tries to propose to Celia but he punches her then puts her in the sea and kills her! Then I married muffy, we had a child then it grew to teenager the starry night festival didnt work!
the starry night festival in harvest moon ds is held at night and it's on the beach.
The Starry Night Festival is on top of the hill in Brownie Ranch, by Alan's Tree. It took me two years to find it.
You can't. The Starry Night Festival in Winter. Kai is only in town during Summer. If you are married to him you can spend the festival together.
To go to the Starry Night Festival with Kai, you must have the affection heart color green, purple or red.
talk to them the day before the starry night festival or the day before any other festival for other date festivals
Unless you're already married to him, no. Kai will only be in town during Summer and the Starry Night festival is in Winter. There is no way to spend it with him while you're single.
on the beach :) on the beach :) on the beach :)or , if you get a girl's heart up enough she will ask you
Yes and you have to ask them the day before.
You can find a complete walk through for Harvest Moon 64 at and These are the best places I've found for FAQ's.
Well, I married Celia and we had a baby called Owen. Owen is now teenage stage so I can go out without Owen. Celia cooked for me on starry night festival. We enjoyed our meal, make sure your meal is Toast. Then Celia said "Poppy (my characters name because I'm a girl in real life but boy on harvest moon ds) do you want to go and have a stroll to the beach?" she took my hand. "Yes" I replied and we held hands and said bye to Owen, then left. We arrived at the beach, we looked at the starry night, when ... (Daryll is against me) Daryll held Celia, took her to his lab and put her to sleep! Daryll tries to propose to Celia but he punches her then puts her in the sea and kills her! Then I married muffy, we had a child then it grew to teenager the starry night festival didnt work!
I think that Either the night BEFORE the starry night festival Or the festival night you meet skye at 10:00 and talk to him a question should pop up saying something like i herd there's a starry night festival would you like to go with me? you can say Yes or No when you say yes he comes over to your house that day or the day after i forgot witch it witch then when you going your house and try to go back out you hear i knock on the door you guessed it skye he comes in and you do the festival together hope this helped :)
Winter 24: Starry Night This festival must be set up the day before, on the 23rd of Winter. On that day find the potential spouse with a Green heart color or higher. The person will then invite you have a party with them the following evening.