Emulate HW TnL Force SW TnL Force Max. pixel shading 1.4 Emulate Bump mapping Force anisotropic filtering Force Z-BUFFER Force 100 HZ
Use Wine software to to emulate VBA on Mac and import Rom to play
3D Analyze is a software to emulate various 3D graphics such as shader 2.0 technology. It has several options to emulate but is currently a very outdated software. Many find it useful in emulating grpahics that certain games require (when the user's graphics card simply doesnt support it). You can download it from 3dfxzone.it, see the related link.
to invite somebody over, you need to have somebody on your friends list that is on line the same time as you are. If you are in the same colour zone, you click on your friend and the invite option on the cellphone will be availible.
The word "emulate" is a verb.
The translation of the word "emulate" in Tagalog is "tumular."
To emulate means to imitate or surpass either a person or an achievement. A sample sentence would be, "Children often emulate their elders".
You can emulate his determination, his mental strength and his faith in everyone.
Emulate means to follow the example of, attempt to equal, surpass or copy. For example... He sought to emulate the example of the Wright brothers and flew his own homemade plane.
emulated means you admire and would like to be like your role model so," I emulate my mother".
He wanted to emulate both ancient Greek and Roman empires.The Roman Empire .
a person tries to emulate a violent incident they have seen in the media