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Q: When you emulate somebody you are them?
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Related questions

What part of speech is the word emulate?

The word "emulate" is a verb.

What is the translation of the word emulate in Tagalog?

The translation of the word "emulate" in Tagalog is "tumular."

A sentence for emulate?

To emulate means to imitate or surpass either a person or an achievement. A sample sentence would be, "Children often emulate their elders".

How can you emulate Nelson Mandela?

You can emulate his determination, his mental strength and his faith in everyone.

What is a sentence for emulate?

Emulate means to follow the example of, attempt to equal, surpass or copy. For example... He sought to emulate the example of the Wright brothers and flew his own homemade plane.

What is match by imitation?


Use a sentence with emulate?

emulated means you admire and would like to be like your role model so," I emulate my mother".

What ancient empire did Mussolini want to emulate?

He wanted to emulate both ancient Greek and Roman empires.The Roman Empire .

What is an antonym of the word emulate?


What noun is formed from emulate?


When you emulate sombody you are?


What is it called when a person tries to emulate a violent incident they have seen in the media?

a person tries to emulate a violent incident they have seen in the media