There are no plans for Freddy Vs. Jason 2. The original did very well in theaters but no script could be made that the studio found acceptable enough to make into a movie.
There are no plans to make a second Freddy vs Jason movie.
freddy vs Jason hellraised is a fan made movie which is now on youtube to watch. i would love to see this film be made.
I believe that there might be a freddy vs Jason 2 sooner or later. If you don't know why, then you should watch the original freddy vs Jason,(if you've seen it before, fast forward to the end) at the end for a second you might of thought that the battle was over after you saw Jason carrying freddy's head, but if you look closely, (the camera does for you) freddy winks at the camera which sends a signal that Jason hasn't won.........(yet)-but signals us viewers that the battle isn't over. So just like what Lori said, "place your bet!"
First off there will not be a FVJ 2, they were going to make one with Ash Williams in it to kill of both Jason and Freddy but instead made it into a comicbook series of 6 issues. and they can't make FVJVM because Michael is owned by Demension, and Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface are owned by New LIne Cinema.
Robert Englund has portrayed Freddy Krueger every time so far. (with the exception of the 2010 remake - Jackie Earle Haley played the part)
At the moment there are no plans for a Freddy vs Jason 2.
At the moment there are no plans for a Freddy vs Jason 2.
There are no plans to make a second Freddy vs Jason movie.
No,but their willbe a remake of freddy vs Jason
yes but they're supost to make freddy vs Jason 2 since at the end of freddy vs Jason, Jason comes out the water with freddies and you see freddy wink at the screen.
The ISBN of Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash is 1401220045.
As of now there are no plans for a remake of Freddy vs Jason.
The Production Budget for Freddy vs. Jason was $25,000,000.
The duration of Freddy vs. Jason is 1.62 hours.
No. Freddy vs Jason was bad enough.
Freddy vs. Jason was released on 08/15/2003.
The Production Budget for Freddy vs. Jason was $25,000,000.