Obviously not; or so it would seem, had it not been for certain comment.
"little by little" said MidnightMaren on deviantart, which means he's working on it. :)
Sonic RPG episode 10 will come in mid of 2014.
Where still on eps 8! epsode 9 is next.
the password is "bossfight."
there is no password for this
Sonic RPG episode 10 will come in mid of 2014.
go to google and look up sonic rpg issue 10 and then it should take you to it
go on google. after that type in these games but only type one of them if you want: sonic rpg eps 1 part 1, sonic rpg eps 1 part 2, sonic rpg eps 2 part 1, sonic rpg eps 2 part 2, sonic rpg eps 3 part 1, sonic rpg eps 3 part 2, sonic rpg eps 4 part 1, sonic rpg eps 4 part 2, sonic rpg eps 5, sonic rpg eps 6, sonic rpg eps 7, sonic rpg eps 8. those are the sonic rpg games.
There is only one official Sonic RPG is Sonic Chronicles.
8 sonic rpg episodes are out.
go to sonic rpg 9 game
yes but i checked every where but sonic rpg eps 9 is sonic rpg eps 8
Sonic is not in Super Mario RPG
Sonic RPG 9 insn't out yet.
there is no sonic rpg eps 9 it will be latter
Probably Omg -.- sonic rpg 9 isn't even out yet so how should we know?
no sonic rpg 8 just came out not so long ago what makes u think that sonic rpg 9 will be out before sonic rpg 8 was iit takes time..... >=[