Draglade 2 already came out in Japan, but it will probably never come out in North America.
it will come out in late 2010 or early 2011
its supposed to come with the case if you bought it....
Portal 2 comes out on April 18, 2011.
Playstatsion 1/2's do not come with wireless controllers
Draglade 2 will probably never come out in the US or North America.
No. There are no set dates for it to come out.
Draglade happened in 2007.
Draglade was created on 2007-06-07.
It has not yet been released in the US.
Yes. Zeke from Draglade is a villain, although his motives are never made clear. But yes, he is evil.
As a franchise, Mega Man is much better. Don't get me wrong, I like Draglade, but Mega Man just has so many games that comparing one Draglade game to over three dozen Mega Man games is pretty easy.
if I'm right itsAD9P-20BA10EA
complete the story and get all 4 characeters to majors :D
Most likely never. It has no dates of release n the US or any English speaking country. If you really want to play it I suggest getting an r4 or acecard and then downloading the ROM and patching it in the English patch download.
it will come in 2 months.
when is season 2 of unatural history come out