With a emulator for the PS1
no the game is not for a PS1
The PS1 has 7,918 games bud
Hit the triangle ( for the ps1).
Yes if you have a Ps2 which can play both or, if you have a Ps1 you can only play the Ps1 game
He invented PS1 since 90's
The first video game to come out was 'Pong!' for the PS1. November 29, 1972. That's when it came out.
December 1994 (Date of Release)
Ps1 is playstation 1 the very first playstation system
No there will never be a PS1, but it is the name used to clearly identify the first model of Playstation from the PSP PS2 and PS3. There is already a ps1.
The PS3 was a sequel game console, since the PS1 and PS2 were already invented.
WWF Smackdown.
The first PlayStation was launched in 1994.
A game console made by Sony Entertainment.
No, you can only play PS2 and PS1 games on the PS2.