Oh, nobody knows that. SEGA didn't give Tails a history large enough to tell when he was born. So we just go with the first time we see him, Sonic 2. Which was released in 1992.
two, when he was born he ended up having two tails like my cat had a baby with 6 legs... creepy!
Tails has two tails simply because he was born that way. His two tails enable him to fly. Also, in Japan, foxes with more than one tail are considered very lucky. If you see one, it is said that you will have good luck for the rest of your life. This is also why Vulpix and Ninetales (two fox-like Pokemon) have more than one tail.
the creator simply forgot sayians were born with tails since a sayians wasnt born in many years
Yeah he does have 2 tails that's where he got his name "Tails the Fox".
I would say their the same because tails beats up anti tails and anti tails can beat up tails their clones so my guess is their the same but they know how to hurt each other like for example anti tails knows how to hurt tails feelings but that might not affect him even though he says mean things
Some Brittany Spaniels are born with long tails and some are born with tails that are naturally short. These dogs generally have their tails docked at birth.
yes, their tails grow with them.
there are many diffrent stories on how the tails doll was born so there really is no answer
"HUmans aren't born with tails. " Some are born with tails. I would assume if someone really tried to they could... That's if they didn't get it removed already.
If its Tails as in Miles Prower-- Tails was born naturally with two tails, so the answer is no. Tails will only and always have two tails no more or less, he won't and cannot grow another one.
Yes, Boxers are born with long tails. Breeders choose to have the dogs tails docked in order to comply with breed standards. They also usually have their ears pricked, except in places like England where they allow the dogs ears to be natural.
gerbils are all born with tails but they have the ability to lose part of their tail. It will never grow back, and it will be harder for them to balance. They like their tails.
They're born with them.
on the moon.
Yes they are.