Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama was created on 1988-01-29.
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Phrases containing the word "from":from the top downfrom our house to yoursgo from rags to richesfrom A to Zfrom the bottome of my heartfrom start to finishfrom cradle to gravefrom dusk to dawnfrom left to rightfrom one end to the otherfrom bow to sternfrom the mouths of babes
Some words that you can make from A BABY SHOWER are: show, sow, was, saw, how, who, whose, awe, awes, wear, ware, ear, era, eras, ears, wares, wears, babe, babes, haw, raw, rob, robs, yaw, rose, hose, hoes, sore, sear, bear, bears, dare, bares, hare, hares, share, aye, ayes, ow, owe, owes, wore, war, wars, swear, swore, sob, Bob, bower, bowers, oh, abs, row, bow, rows, bows, has, he, her, she, hers, shore, bore, bores, worse, Robby, wash, washer, bash, rash, abash, awash, baa, rah, bah, hob, shy, rye, Roy, bye, by, boy, soy, say, boys, way, ways, ray, rays, shabby, hobby, herb, herbs, roe, roes
Some words from the word "scrabble" are:aableaceacrealearcareasbabebabelbalebarbarbbarebasebebearblabblareblasebrabracecabcablecarcarecasecelclabberclearcrabearebbeleralalablacelaserlealearrabbleracerealsabersablesalescabscalescarscareseasealsearslab2-letter wordsae, al, ar, as, ba, be, el, er, es, la, re3-letter wordsace, alb, ale, als, arb, arc, are, ars, bal, bar, bas, bel, bra, cab, car, ear, ebb, els, era, ers, lab, lac, lar, las, lea, ras, reb, rec, res, sab, sac, sae, sal, sea, sec, sel, ser4-letter wordsabbe, able, aces, acre, albs, alec, ales, arbs, arcs, ares, babe, bale, bals, barb, bare, bars, base, bear, bels, blab, blae, bleb, brae, bras, cabs, carb, care, carl, cars, case, crab, earl, ears, ebbs, eras, labs, lace, lacs, lars, lase, lear, leas, race, rale, rase, real, rebs, recs, sabe, sale, scab, scar, seal, sear, sera, slab5-letter wordsabbes, abler, ables, acerb, acres, alecs, arles, babel, babes, baler, bales, barbe, barbs, bares, baser, bears, blabs, blare, blase, blear, blebs, brace, braes, caber, cable, carbs, cares, carle, carls, carse, clear, crabs, earls, escar, lacer, laces, lares, laser, lears, races, rales, reals, saber, sable, sabre, scale, scare, serac, seral6-letter wordsbabels, balers, barbel, barbes, blares, blears, braces, cabers, cables, carles, clears, lacers, rabble, scaler, sclera7-letter wordsbarbels, clabber, rabbles, scabble, slabber8-letter wordsclabbers, scrabble175 words found.
2-letter wordsad, ae, ah, as, at, ba, be, da, de, eh, es, et, ha, he, pa, pe, sh, ta3-letter wordsads, ape, apt, ash, asp, ate, ave, bad, bah, bas, bat, bed, bet, dab, dah, dap, deb, des, dev, eat, ebb, edh, eta, eth, had, hae, haj, hap, has, hat, hep, hes, het, jab, jet, pad, pah, pas, pat, pea, ped, peh, pes, pet, pht, sab, sad, sae, sap, sat, sea, set, sha, she, spa, tab, tad, tae, taj, tap, tas, tav, tea, ted, the, vas, vat, vet4-letter wordsabbe, abed, abet, aped, apes, apse, ates, aves, babe, bade, bads, baht, base, bash, bast, bate, bath, bats, bead, beat, beds, best, beta, beth, bets, dabs, dahs, daps, dash, date, debs, debt, deva, devs, east, eath, eats, ebbs, edhs, epha, etas, eths, hade, hadj, haed, haes, haet, hajj, haps, hasp, hast, hate, hats, have, head, heap, heat, hest, hets, jabs, jade, jape, jest, jets, pads, pase, pash, past, pate, path, pats, pave, peas, peat, peds, pehs, pest, pets, phat, sabe, sade, sate, save, seat, sept, seta, shad, shea, shed, spae, spat, sped, stab, step, tabs, tads, tape, taps, tavs, teas, teds, tepa, thae, vase, vast, vats, vest, vets5-letter wordsabbes, abets, adept, ashed, babes, bahts, based, baste, bated, bates, bathe, baths, beads, beast, beats, betas, beths, dates, deash, death, debts, depth, devas, ephas, hades, hadst, haets, hajes, haste, hated, hates, haves, heads, heaps, heats, jades, japed, japes, jehad, paste, pated, pates, paths, paved, paves, peats, phase, sabed, sadhe, sated, saved, septa, shade, shape, shave, spade, spaed, spate, stade, staph, stave, stead, tabes, tajes, taped, tapes, tepas, tsade, vesta6-letter wordsadepts, bashed, basted, bathed, bathes, deaths, depths, hadjes, hajjes, hasped, hasted, heptad, jabbed, jehads, pashed, pasted, phased, sabbed, shaped, shaved, spathe, staved, tabbed7-letter wordsheptads, spathed, stabbed289 words found.
Here are some possible words: baaed baals babas babel babes babka baboo babul babus bacca backs bacon baddy badge badly bagel baggy bahts bails bairn baits baize baked baker bakes balds baled baler bales balks balky ballo balls bally balms balmy balsa banal banco bands bandy baned banes bangs banjo banks banns bantu barbs bards bared barer bares barfs barge baric barks barky barmy barns barny baron barre basal based baser bases basic basil basin basis basks bassi basso bassy baste basts batch bated bates bathe baths batik baton batts batty bauds baulk bawds bawdy bawls bayed bayou bazar beach beads beady beaks beaky beams beamy beano beans beard bears beast beats beaus beaut beaux bebop becks bedew bedim beech beefs beefy beeps beers beery beets befit befog began begat beget begin begot begum begun beige beigy being belay belch belie belle belli bello bells belly below belts bemas bemix bench bends bendy benes benin benny bents beret bergh bergs berms berry berth beryl beset besom besot bests betas betel betes beths betta betty bevel bewig bezel bhang bialy bibbs bible biddy bided bider bides bidet biens biers biffs biffy bifid bight bigly bigot bijou biked biker bikes Bilbo biles bilge bilgy bilks bills billy bimah binal binds bines binge bingo bints biome biont biota biped bipod birch birds birth bison bitch biter bites bitsy bitte bitts bitty blabs black blade blahs blain blame blanc bland blank blare blase blast blats blaze bleak blear bleat bleed bleep blend blent bless blest blimp blimy blind blini blink blips bliss blitz bloat blobs block blocs bloke blond blood bloom bloop blots blown blows blowy blued bluer blues bluet bluey bluff blunt blurb blurs blurt blush board boars boast boats bobby bocce bocci boche bocks boded bodes boers boffo boffs bogey boggy bogie bogle bogus boils boise bolas boles bolls bolos bolts bolus bombe bombs bonds boned boner bones boney bongo bongs bonny bonos bonum bonus bonze boobs booby booed books booms boomy boons boors boost booth boots booty booze boozy borax bored bores boric borne boron borts borty bortz bosks bosky bosom boson bossa bossy bosun botch bough boule bound bourg bourn bouse bousy bouts bovid bowed bowel bower bowie bowls bowse boxed boxer boxes boyos bozos brace bract brads braes brags braid brail brain brake braky brand brans brash brass brats brave bravo brawl brawn brays braze bread break bream brede breed brent breve brevi brews brian briar bribe brick bride brief brier bries brigs brill brims brine bring brink briny brios brisk broad brock broil broke bromo bronc Bronx brood brook broom broth brown brows Bruce bruin bruit brunt brush brusk brute Bryan bubby buchu bucko bucks buddy budge buffo buffs Buffy buggy bugle Buick build built bulbs bulge bulgy bulks bulky bulls bully bumps bumpy bunch bunco bunds bungs bunko bunks bunns bunny bunts buoys burgh burgs burin Burke burls burly burma burns burnt burps burro burrs burry bursa burse burst busby bused buses bushy busts busty butch butte butts butty butyl buxom buyer bwana bylaw byres Byron bytes byway bluey, baths, burns, bossy Here are some possible words: baaed baals babas babel babes babka baboo babul babus bacca backs bacon baddy badge badly bagel baggy bahts bails bairn baits baize baked baker bakes balds baled baler bales balks balky ballo balls bally balms balmy balsa banal banco bands bandy baned banes bangs banjo banks banns bantu barbs bards bared barer bares barfs barge baric barks barky barmy barns barny baron barre basal based baser bases basic basil basin basis basks bassi basso bassy baste basts batch bated bates bathe baths batik baton batts batty bauds baulk bawds bawdy bawls bayed bayou bazar beach beads beady beaks beaky beams beamy beano beans beard bears beast beats beaus beaut beaux bebop becks bedew bedim beech beefs beefy beeps beers beery beets befit befog began begat beget begin begot begum begun beige beigy being belay belch belie belle belli bello bells belly below belts bemas bemix bench bends bendy benes benin benny bents beret bergh bergs berms berry berth beryl beset besom besot bests betas betel betes beths betta betty bevel bewig bezel bhang bialy bibbs bible biddy bided bider bides bidet biens biers biffs biffy bifid bight bigly bigot bijou biked biker bikes Bilbo biles bilge bilgy bilks bills billy bimah binal binds bines binge bingo bints biome biont biota biped bipod birch birds birth bison bitch biter bites bitsy bitte bitts bitty blabs black blade blahs blain blame blanc bland blank blare blase blast blats blaze bleak blear bleat bleed bleep blend blent bless blest blimp blimy blind blini blink blips bliss blitz bloat blobs block blocs bloke blond blood bloom bloop blots blown blows blowy blued bluer blues bluet bluey bluff blunt blurb blurs blurt blush board boars boast boats bobby bocce bocci boche bocks boded bodes boers boffo boffs bogey boggy bogie bogle bogus boils boise bolas boles bolls bolos bolts bolus bombe bombs bonds boned boner bones boney bongo bongs bonny bonos bonum bonus bonze boobs booby booed books booms boomy boons boors boost booth boots booty booze boozy borax bored bores boric borne boron borts borty bortz bosks bosky bosom boson bossa bossy bosun botch bough boule bound bourg bourn bouse bousy bouts bovid bowed bowel bower bowie bowls bowse boxed boxer boxes boyos bozos brace bract brads braes brags braid brail brain brake braky brand brans brash brass brats brave bravo brawl brawn brays braze bread break bream brede breed brent breve brevi brews brian briar bribe brick bride brief brier bries brigs brill brims brine bring brink briny brios brisk broad brock broil broke bromo bronc Bronx brood brook broom broth brown brows Bruce bruin bruit brunt brush brusk brute Bryan bubby buchu bucko bucks buddy budge buffo buffs Buffy buggy bugle Buick build built bulbs bulge bulgy bulks bulky bulls bully bumps bumpy bunch bunco bunds bungs bunko bunks bunns bunny bunts buoys burgh burgs burin Burke burls burly burma burns burnt burps burro burrs burry bursa burse burst busby bused buses bushy busts busty butch butte butts butty butyl buxom buyer bwana bylaw byres Byron bytes byway build build
The duration of Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama is 1.33 hours.
Carla Baron has: Played Lorraine in "Terror Night" in 1987. Played Frankie in "Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama" in 1988. Played Vera in "Halloween Night" in 1988. Played Gail in "Necromancer" in 1988. Played Script Girl in "The Jigsaw Murders" in 1989.
Babes in Arms was created in 1937.
The Babes in the Wood was created in 2002.
Babes on Broadway was created in 1941.
Babes was created on 1990-09-13.
Postal Babes was created in 2009-02.
Bikini Karate Babes was created in 2002.
Vampire Beach Babes was created in 1997.
Babes a GoGo was created on 1956-06-08.
Babes in Toyland - band - was created in 1987.
Bubble Bath Babes was created in 1991.