Pokémon was originally conceived by Satoshi Tajiri, as a way to instill in children of the modern, more urbanized Japan the same enjoyment that he felt as a young boy collecting insects near his hometown of Machida. Initially Capsule Monsters, CapuMon for short, Tajiri pitched the series to Nintendo due to the inspiration he drew from the link cable, picturing an insect crawling across it between two Game Boy systems.
With help from Shigeru Miyamoto, the series began development, with the concepts of the original games, Pokemon Red and Green, going into production between 1990 and 1995.
In Japan, Red and Green were released on February 27th, 1996. America received Red and Blue versions on September 30th, 1998.
The anime was released in Japan on April 1st, 1997, and released in America on September 7th, 1998.
Pokemon was created in Japan.
The very first Pokemon ever created by the Pokemon team was Rhydon.
Pokemon was created in 1995, while Bakugan was created in 2007. Pokemon was created before Bakugan.
the second pokemon in the world ever created was giratina
The original Pokemon was created in Japan.
Pokemon was created in Japan.
Pokemon was created in Japan.
The very first Pokemon ever created by the Pokemon team was Rhydon.
Pokemon was created in 1995, while Bakugan was created in 2007. Pokemon was created before Bakugan.
Satoshi Tajiri created Pokemon.
it is said that Arceus created pokemon.
it is the alpha Pokemon and it created the world
the second pokemon in the world ever created was giratina
Pokemon Chaos Black, Pokemon Shiny Gold, Pokemon Purple Poisen (created by ME!!) Pokemon Aqua, Pokemon Diamond GBA,Pokemon Pearl GBA, Pokemon Quartz, Pokemon Frosty (WARNING: Mature Language), Pokemon Diamond 2 , Pokemon lava REd (created by me) and Pokemon Toxic
Obama created Pokemon when he was 3.
There are currently 719 known Pokemon.
The original Pokemon was created in Japan.