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i think not for a while, they are planning on upgrading ps3 and xbox for a while

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Q: When is the next gen consoles coming out?
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Related questions

What do people mean by 'next gen' consoles?

When a person references a "next gen" consoles, he is referring to the newest version of the product. Consoles are often updated with new features. A "next gen" console would have the latest features.

What is the next generation of gaming consoles?

They are coming out with a new Wii U. They do have some pretty 'next gen' stuff out there already, such as the kinect for xbox360. Hope I helped.

Why did the Xbox come out?

Because consoles needed the next gen graphics and hardware.

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Why was xbox360 made?

The consoles needed a new next gen look and hardware.

What is a next gen console regarding video game systems?

The PlayStation 3, Wii, and the Xbox 360, are usually considered Next-Gen systems. However, the Wii is sometimes NOT considered a Next-Gen system because of it's lower processing power. In terms of handheld consoles, the Nintendo DS. Sony's PSP, and the various versions of these consoles, are also considered Next-Gen.

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You can only play multiplayer free roam on next gen consoles and next gen copies of the game Thanks

When will actual gameplay be as detailed and advanced as cutscenes?

Probably never on consoles, even on the next gen. There is an engine - forgot the name of it - on PC, which is incredibly detailed. Try googling Next Gen Graphics.

Can you download Call of Duty 1onto the PlayStation 4?

No, the game is not on Next-Gen Consoles. It is available on the PlayStation 3.

Are gta 5 heists only on next gen consoles?

The heists are in all versions of the game. The next gen version of GTA V gets some minor side content, but nothing major.

When is bully 2 coming out?

I think it's coming out in 2012. I really hope so because I got scholarship edition and hads tons of fun. But Rockstar will probably wait until next-gen consoles come out. Like Xbox 720, PS4 (ect).

Is Kingdom Hearts 3 going to be for PS3 or PS4?

It will be released only for the next-gen consoles so it would be on PS4.